

When it comes to expressing the idea of "剪辑技术很烂" (poor editing skills) in English, there are several phrases and expressions that can effectively convey this meaning. In this article, we will explore different ways to express the concept of poor editing skills in English.

1. Inadequate Editing Skills

One straightforward way to communicate the idea is to use the phrase "inadequate editing skills." This conveys the notion that the person's editing abilities are not up to par and may require improvement.

2. Poor Editing Proficiency

Another way to express the same idea is by using the phrase "poor editing proficiency." This implies that the individual lacks the necessary skills and expertise in editing, resulting in a subpar outcome.

3. Substandard Editing Abilities

Using the term "substandard editing abilities" is yet another effective way to describe the situation. It suggests that the person's editing skills are below the expected or desired level.

4. Lackluster Editing Technique

To convey the idea that the editing technique is unimpressive or lackluster, one can use the phrase "lackluster editing technique." This suggests that the quality of the editing work falls short of expectations.

5. Mediocre Editing Aptitude

The phrase "mediocre editing aptitude" is a suitable expression to describe someone's average or below-average editing skills. It implies that their abilities do not meet the standards of excellence.


When expressing the concept of "剪辑技术很烂" in English, there are various phrases and expressions available to convey the idea effectively. Whichever phrase you choose to utilize, it is crucial to remember that providing constructive feedback and offering assistance can be more beneficial than simply criticizing someone's editing abilities.

Thank you for reading the article. We hope you find this information helpful for expressing the idea of poor editing skills in English.